May 10, Reading 2 – Proverbs 18


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Many of these proverbs have something to do with the tongue. There are for self-reflection as well as for understanding others. We all thank God for the Friend who sticks closer than a brother!


“A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul.”

Here we read the peril of being a fool! Solomon shines a bright light on foolish behaviour.

Think before you speak (v2).

Don’t show favouritism (v5).

Think before you speak (v6).

Again, think before you speak (v7)!

Slacking off is a cousin to destruction (v9).

Arrogance ends in destruction (v12).

However, Solomon also points us to wisdom.

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

Do we practice this? Do we take hold of this and write it on our hearts?

God’s NAME is important. In and of itself there is _much value_ in the Name of the LORD; We can run to it, we can take refuge in it, it saves us.

We do this when we verbally name the Lord, in public and private, through prayer and through conversation.

But hallowing God’s Name is more than is more than what comes from our lips.

As God’s people we bear God’s Name as a standard as we walk this narrow road in life.

Praise God, for His Name is holy!

* God Above,

Your Name is holy, Your Name is to be kept holy, Your Name is a strong tower.

Thank You Lord!

Thank You that we can run into Your Name and find safety; refuge from the storms of life.
