May 10, Reading 3 – James 4


Audio, Visual


James is hard but fair here. Humility is not pretending that you don’t have certain attributes, skills or training, or that there’re not as good as they really are. Humility is the realisation of how far you are from God and His ways, even in your best times. Humility leads us to be merciful and gentle with each other.


* God of Light, Your word is a lamp unto our feet – Please light our path today.

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

This message from James is the same as we read in Peter’s first letter.

Humility is the attribute that matters before the Lord – Submit!

If we have a mindset of wanting glory in the world’s eyes, of pride in our accomplishments, of planning in and of our own strength – This is a problem.

Instead, let our identity, our character, our decision-making be found in the humility that comes from submitting ourselves under God’s mighty hand.

* Gracious Father,

Please forgive our pride and arrogance.

Grow within us each day the humility that You desire in us. The humility and meekness we see in Jesus, God the Son, who submitted Himself unto death on a cross.

Break our hard hearts and stubborn wills.

Thank You God!
