The Public Worship & Aids To Devotion Committee has responded to a number of requests from elders and churches who do not have a regular supply of ministers to preach for them on a regular basis. Many able elders and church folk would like the opportunity to learn how to put together a sermon, bible talk and then deliver it, or to simply write an essay on a piece of Scripture. The PWAD Committee is pleased present a series of videos designed for that purpose. The links below will take you to our account with Vimeo where these are uploaded.
The following are things that you will need to read and download before you look at the videos.
Sample Outline For Sermons
This document gives a basic structure of a sermon, bible talk or essay. It will be referred to in the video series: How to Preach A Sermon Or Give A Bible Talk.
You can download them here in one of two formats: MS Word .doc or .PDF
Bible Passages To Read beforehand to familiarise yourself with the content used to create sermon outlines in the videos.
You can access this video series for free at our Vimeo channel >>>> Here.
(PWAD 2015)