Public Worship and Aids to Devotion Committee Website


General Assembly of Australia

Marriage: Second Order (Check headings)

The Marriage Service

Second Order


Entry of the Bridal Party

Selected verses from Psalms 145-148

Hymn of praise


Explanation of Marriage


Bible Readings

Genesis 2:4-7,18-24 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Mark 10:2-9

The Marriage:


As we have just heard, Christian marriage was established by God for the life long companionship, support and comfort which husband and wife ought to have of each other.

It was also established for the continuance of family life, so that children might be brought up in a loving manner and encouraged to serve God in their lives.

It was established for the welfare of human society which can be strong and happy only when the marriage bond is held in honour.

The Promises:

The Minister addresses the groom and bride in turn:

Will you have F....... to be your wife, to live together in marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and support her, in sickness and in health, as long as you both live?

Response: I will.

Will you have M....... to be your husband, to live together in marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and support him, in sickness and in health, as long as you both live?

Response: I will.

The minister addresses the parents of the bride and groom:

Do you give your consent and blessing to this marriage?

Response: We do.

The Statement Of Commitment:

In the presence of God and before this congregation. I N....... take you N....... to be my husband/wife. I commit myself to love and to serve you to the utmost of my ability as God enables me.

And this commitment I will keep no matter what circumstances may arise, until we are separated by death.

The Exchange of Rings:

The ring is a sign of continuing faithfulness and unbroken love. With this ring I wed you. I give it to you as a symbol of the promises we make to each other today in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Declaration of Marriage:


Now let us join together in praying for M....... and F.......

God our Father, in your great love for mankind you have given the gift of marriage. So bless M....... and F....... as they pledge their lives to each other, that their love may ever more grow to be the true reflection of your love for us all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



Bible Reading: Ephesians 5:21-33 - Colossians 3:12-17

Signing of the Register

The Blessing
